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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 596

II. Or­din­ary



1 For the pur­pose of li­quid­a­tion, any busi­ness activ­it­ies of the de­ceased still in op­er­a­tion are brought to a close, his or her ob­lig­a­tions are per­formed, his or her claims are called in, his or her legacies are dis­trib­uted where pos­sible, his or her rights and du­ties are de­term­ined at law, where ne­ces­sary, and his or her as­sets are con­ver­ted in­to cash.

2 Land formerly be­long­ing to the de­ceased is sold at pub­lic auc­tion; it may be dis­posed of by private sale only with the con­sent of all the heirs.

3 The heirs are en­titled even dur­ing the li­quid­a­tion pro­cess to re­quest that some or all of the ob­jects and mon­ies that are not re­quired for the li­quid­a­tion be re­leased in­to their pos­ses­sion.