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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 646

C. Col­lect­ive own­er­ship

I. Co-own­er­ship

1. Re­la­tion­ship among co-own­ers


1 Co-own­er­ship ex­ists where sev­er­al per­sons own a share in an ob­ject which is phys­ic­ally un­di­vided.

2 Un­less oth­er­wise stip­u­lated, they are co-own­ers in equal meas­ure.

3 Each co-own­er has the rights and ob­lig­a­tions of own­er­ship in re­spect of his or her share in the ob­ject, and said share may be ali­en­ated and pledged by him or her, or dis­trained by his or her cred­it­ors.