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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 651

b. Form of par­ti­tion


1 Dis­sol­u­tion is ef­fected by means of phys­ic­al di­vi­sion, by private sale or sale at auc­tion and di­vi­sion of the sale pro­ceeds, or by trans­fer of the en­tire ob­ject to one or more co-own­ers who buy out the oth­ers.

2 If the co-own­ers are un­able to agree on the meth­od of dis­sol­u­tion, the court will or­der the phys­ic­al di­vi­sion of the ob­ject or, where this is im­possible without sub­stan­tially di­min­ish­ing its value, its sale at pub­lic auc­tion or private auc­tion among the co-own­ers.

3 Phys­ic­al di­vi­sion giv­ing rise to un­equal shares may en­tail mon­et­ary pay­ments to bal­ance out the shares.