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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 662

b. Ex­traordin­ary ad­verse pos­ses­sion


1 Where a per­son has been in pos­ses­sion of im­mov­able prop­erty not re­cor­ded in the land re­gister un­in­ter­rup­tedly and without chal­lenge for 30 years as if it were his or her prop­erty, he or she has the right to be re­gistered as the own­er.

2 The same right ap­plies on the same con­di­tions to a per­son in pos­ses­sion of im­mov­able prop­erty whose own­er is not evid­ent from the land re­gister or who was de­clared dead or pre­sumed dead at the be­gin­ning of the 30-year ad­verse pos­ses­sion peri­od.

3 However, such re­gis­tra­tion may be made only by court or­der on ex­piry of a pub­licly no­ti­fied peri­od for ob­jec­tions, provided no such ob­jec­tions have been raised or those raised have been dis­missed.