Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 6a716

IIa. Cent­ral civil re­gister data­base


1 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil reg­u­lates the trans­ition from the former pro­ced­ure for keep­ing the civil re­gister to the elec­tron­ic civil re­gister.

2 The Con­fed­er­a­tion as­sumes the cap­it­al in­vest­ment costs up to an amount of 5 mil­lion francs.

716 In­ser­ted by No 1 of the FA of 5 Oct. 2001 (Elec­tron­ic civil re­gister), in force since 1 Ju­ly 2004 (AS 20042911; BBl 2001 1639).


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