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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 706

III. Cut­ting off springs

1. Dam­ages


1 Where springs and wells that en­joy con­sid­er­able use or whose wa­ters are col­lec­ted for fur­ther use are cut off, di­min­ished or con­tam­in­ated by build­ing works, in­stall­a­tions or oth­er meas­ures to the det­ri­ment of their own­ers or right­ful users, such per­sons are en­titled to claim dam­ages.

2 Where the dam­age was done neither in­ten­tion­ally nor through neg­li­gence, or the in­jured parties are them­selves at fault, the court de­term­ines the amount and man­ner of com­pens­a­tion at its dis­cre­tion.