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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 710

VI. Right to use an es­sen­tial wa­ter source


1 If a par­cel of land lacks the wa­ter re­quired for do­mest­ic and farm­ing re­quire­ments and if such wa­ter can­not be ob­tained from any­where else ex­cept at an en­tirely dis­pro­por­tion­ate cost and ef­fort, the own­er may re­quest that a neigh­bour able to spare such wa­ter without suf­fer­ing hard­ship al­low him or her a share of the lat­ter’s spring or well to him or her in ex­change for full com­pens­a­tion.

2 When de­term­in­ing which wa­ter source is thus af­fected, the in­terests of the per­son re­quired to sup­ply the wa­ter are the primary con­sid­er­a­tion.

3 Where cir­cum­stances change, a modi­fic­a­tion of the ar­range­ment in place may be re­ques­ted.