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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 748

III. Ex­tinc­tion

1. Grounds


1 Usu­fruct is ex­tin­guished in the event of the com­plete loss of the ob­ject to which it ap­plies and in the case of im­mov­able prop­erty on de­le­tion of the entry from the land re­gister where the entry was re­quired to es­tab­lish the usu­fruct.

2 Oth­er grounds for ex­tinc­tion, such as the pas­sage of time or the re­nun­ci­ation or death of the usu­fructu­ary, con­fer on the own­er only a right to ap­ply for the de­le­tion of the entry.

3 A stat­utory usu­fruct ends on ces­sa­tion of its cause.