Swiss Civil Code

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Art. 773

3. Claims

a. Scope


1 A usu­fruct of debts en­titles the usu­fructu­ary to re­tain the real­ised rev­en­ue.

2 No­tices of ter­min­a­tion to the debt­or and dis­pos­i­tions re­lat­ing to se­cur­it­ies sub­ject to a usu­fruct must be made jointly by the cred­it­or and the usu­fructu­ary; no­tices of ter­min­a­tion by the debt­or must be ad­dressed to both.

3 If a debt is at risk, the cred­it­or and the usu­fructu­ary have a mu­tu­al right to re­quest each oth­er’s con­sent to such meas­ures as are re­quired to en­sure di­li­gent ad­min­is­tra­tion.


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