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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 775

c. Right to as­sign­ment


1 The usu­fructu­ary has the right to re­quest the as­sign­ment of the debts and se­cur­it­ies over which he or she has a usu­fruct with­in three months of the be­gin­ning there­of.

2 Once as­sign­ment has been ef­fected, he or she is li­able to the former cred­it­or for the value of the debts and se­cur­it­ies as at the date of as­sign­ment and is re­quired to provide se­cur­ity for that amount un­less waived by the cred­it­or.

3 If the cred­it­or has not waived his or her right to se­cur­ity, the as­sign­ment be­comes ef­fect­ive only once se­cur­ity has been pos­ted.