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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 788

b. By the debt­or


1The debt­or may re­quest re­demp­tion of the real bur­den by agree­ment, and also:

if the be­ne­fi­ciary fails to abide by the agree­ment es­tab­lish­ing the real bur­den;
if the real bur­den has been in ex­ist­ence for thirty years, even where a longer dur­a­tion or a charge in per­petu­ity was agreed.

2 If the debt­or wishes to re­deem the charge after thirty years, he or she must in every case give no­tice of ter­min­a­tion one year in ad­vance.

3 The real bur­den may not be re­deemed in such man­ner if it is linked with a per­petu­al ease­ment.