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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 805

C. Ef­fect

I. Ex­tent of se­cur­ity


1 A mort­gage right en­cum­bers the en­tire prop­erty in­clud­ing all its con­stitu­ent parts and ac­cessor­ies.

2 If ac­cessor­ies, such as ma­chines or hotel fur­nish­ings, are ex­pressly lis­ted in the mort­gage agree­ment and noted as such in the land re­gister, they are treated ac­cord­ingly un­less it is shown that the law pre­cludes their qual­i­fic­a­tion as ac­cessor­ies.

3 Rights of third parties to the ac­cessor­ies are re­served.