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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 816

VII. Fore­clos­ure

1. Mode


1 In the event of de­fault on the part of the debt­or, the cred­it­or has the right to pay­ment out of the pro­ceeds of the sale of the prop­erty.

2 Any agree­ment stip­u­lat­ing that the prop­erty sub­ject to the mort­gage will be­come the prop­erty of the cred­it­or in the event of de­fault on the part of the debt­or is in­val­id.

3 Where sev­er­al prop­er­ties are made sub­ject to a mort­gage as se­cur­ity for a single claim, fore­clos­ure pro­ceed­ings must be brought sim­ul­tan­eously against all such prop­er­ties, while in­di­vidu­al prop­er­ties are sold only if deemed ne­ces­sary by the debt en­force­ment of­fice.