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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 825

B. Es­tab­lish­ment and ex­tinc­tion

I. Es­tab­lish­ment


1 A mort­gage con­tract is cre­ated in a spe­cif­ic rank even if the se­cured amount is in­de­term­in­ate or vari­able, and it re­tains such rank not­with­stand­ing any fluc­tu­ations in the se­cured amount.

2 The cred­it­or may re­quest that the land re­gis­trar provide him or her with an ex­tract con­cern­ing the mort­gage con­tract. Such an ex­tract has only evid­en­tial status and does not con­sti­tute a ne­go­ti­able in­stru­ment.

3 In lieu of such evid­ence, a cer­ti­fic­ate of re­gis­tra­tion may be ap­pen­ded to the mort­gage con­tract deed.