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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 828

3. Uni­lat­er­al re­demp­tion

a. Con­di­tions and pro­ced­ure


1 Where a prop­erty is mort­gaged for more than its value in re­spect of debts for which the ac­quirer is not per­son­ally li­able, and provid­ing no debt en­force­ment pro­ceed­ings are pending, can­ton­al law may au­thor­ise the ac­quirer to re­deem the mort­gage rights either by pay­ing the pur­chase price to the cred­it­ors or, where the prop­erty was ac­quired without pay­ment, the amount at which he or she val­ues the prop­erty.

2 He or she must give the cred­it­ors six months’ no­tice in writ­ing of his or her in­ten­tion to re­deem the mort­gage.

3 The re­demp­tion amount is dis­trib­uted among the cred­it­ors ac­cord­ing to their rank.