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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 837664

II. With entry

1. Cases in point


1 The right to es­tab­lish a stat­utory mort­gage right ap­plies to:

the vendor’s claim to the sale price;
the claims of co-heirs and oth­er co-own­ers in un­di­vided shares arising from the di­vi­sion of im­mov­able prop­erty which be­longed to the com­munity;
the claims of trades­men and build­ing con­tract­ors who have sup­plied la­bour and ma­ter­i­als, or la­bour alone, for con­struc­tion or oth­er works, for de­moli­tion work, scaf­fold­ing work or for se­cur­ing the con­struc­tion pit or sim­il­ar on the prop­erty wheth­er the debt­or is the own­er of the prop­erty, trades­man or build­ing con­tract­or, ten­ant or any oth­er per­son with rights to the prop­erty.

2 If a ten­ant or oth­er per­son with rights to the prop­erty is li­able for debts due to trades­men or build­ing con­tract­ors, the claim is val­id only if the prop­erty own­er has con­sen­ted to the work be­ing done.

3 The be­ne­fi­ciary may not waive such stat­utory mort­gage rights in ad­vance.

664 Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 11 Dec. 2009 (Re­gister Mort­gage Cer­ti­fic­ates and oth­er amend­ments to Prop­erty Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2012 (AS 2011 4637; BBl 2007 5283).