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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 926

C. Leg­al rem­ed­ies

I. Pro­tec­tion of pos­ses­sion

1. De­fence against in­ter­fer­ence


1 A pos­sessor has the right to use force in self-de­fence against any un­law­ful in­ter­fer­ence.

2 If he or she has been dis­pos­sessed of an ob­ject by force or by clandes­tine means, he or she has the right to re­cov­er it im­me­di­ately by ex­pelling the tres­pass­er from the prop­erty or, in the case of a chat­tel, by tak­ing it from a per­son caught in the act and pur­sued im­me­di­ately.

3 In do­ing so, he or she must ab­stain from all force not jus­ti­fied by the cir­cum­stances.