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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 929

4. Ad­miss­ib­il­ity and pre­scrip­tion


1 An ac­tion for resti­tu­tion or tres­pass is only ad­miss­ible if the pos­sessor sues for resti­tu­tion of the ob­ject or for ces­sa­tion of tres­pass im­me­di­ately on be­com­ing aware of the in­ter­fer­ence in his or her rights and the iden­tity of the tres­pass­er.

2 The ac­tion pre­scribes one year after the date of the tres­pass or dis­pos­ses­sion even if the claimant did not be­come aware of the in­ter­fer­ence in his or her rights and the iden­tity of the tres­pass­er un­til a later date.