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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 95

B. Im­ped­i­ments

I. Kin­ship


1 Mar­riage between lin­eal re­l­at­ives and between sib­lings or half-sib­lings, wheth­er re­lated to each oth­er by par­ent­age or ad­op­tion, is pro­hib­ited.170

2 Ad­op­tion does not re­move the im­ped­i­ment to mar­riage con­sti­tuted by kin­ship between the ad­op­ted child and his is­sue on the one hand and his ad­opt­ive fam­ily on the oth­er.

170 Amended by An­nex No 8 of the Civil Part­ner­ships Act of 18 June 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2006 (AS 20055685; BBl 20031288).