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Swiss Civil Code

Art. 484

D. Leg­acy

I. Nature


1 The test­at­or may be­queath a leg­acy to a be­ne­fi­ciary without nam­ing that per­son as an heir.

2 He or she may be­queath a spe­cif­ic leg­acy or the usu­fruct of the whole or a part of the es­tate, or he or she may in­struct the heirs or oth­er leg­atees to make pay­ments to that per­son from the value of the es­tate or to re­lease that per­son from ob­lig­a­tions.

3 If the test­at­or be­queaths a spe­cif­ic leg­acy but the ob­ject is not part of the es­tate and no oth­er in­ten­tion is evid­ent from the dis­pos­i­tion, no ob­lig­a­tion is placed on the ob­lig­or of the leg­acy.