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Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

Art. 138 Form

1 The sum­mons, rul­ings and de­cisions are served by re­gistered mail or by oth­er means against con­firm­a­tion of re­ceipt.

2 Ser­vice is ac­com­plished when the doc­u­ment has been re­ceived by the ad­dress­ee or one of his or her em­ploy­ees or a per­son of at least 16 years of age liv­ing in the same house­hold, un­less the court in­structs that a doc­u­ment must be served per­son­ally on the ad­dress­ee.

3 Ser­vice is also deemed to have been ef­fected:

in the case of a re­gistered let­ter that has not been col­lec­ted: on the sev­enth day after the failed at­tempt to serve it provided the per­son had to ex­pect such ser­vice;
in the case of per­son­al ser­vice if the ad­dress­ee re­fuses to ac­cept ser­vice and if such re­fus­al is re­cor­ded by the bear­er: on the day of re­fus­al.

4 Oth­er doc­u­ments may be served by reg­u­lar mail.