Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

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Art. 180 Production of physical records

1 A copy of the phys­ic­al re­cord may be pro­duced in place of the ori­gin­al. The court or a party may re­quest that the ori­gin­al or an of­fi­cially cer­ti­fied copy be pro­duced if there is jus­ti­fied doubt as to the au­then­ti­city of the phys­ic­al re­cord.

2 If parts of a lengthy phys­ic­al re­cord are cited as evid­ence, those parts must be high­lighted.


143 III 453 (5A_648/2016) from 3. Juli 2017
Regeste: Art. 178 ZPO; Begriff der Echtheit einer Urkunde. Art. 178 ZPO betrifft nur die Echtheit im engeren Sinne, also die Frage, ob die Urkunde von derjenigen Person stammt, die als Urheber erkennbar ist. Art. 178 ZPO betrifft jedoch nicht die inhaltliche Richtigkeit der Urkunde (E. 3).

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