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Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

Art. 282 Maintenance payments

1 The agree­ment or de­cision fix­ing the main­ten­ance pay­ments must in­dic­ate:

the por­tions of the in­come and the as­sets of each spouse that have been taken in­to ac­count;
the amount al­loc­ated to the spouse and to each child;
the amount ne­ces­sary to as­sure the prop­er main­ten­ance of the en­titled spouse, if a sub­sequent in­crease in the pen­sion is re­served;
wheth­er and to what ex­tent the pen­sion will be ad­jus­ted to changes in liv­ing costs.

2 If the main­ten­ance pay­ment for the spouse is chal­lenged, the ap­pel­late court may also re­as­sess the main­ten­ance pay­ments for the chil­dren, even if they are not chal­lenged.