Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

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Art. 355 Location of the arbitral tribunal

1 The loc­a­tion of the ar­bit­ral tribunal shall be de­term­ined by the parties or by the body they have des­ig­nated. If no loc­a­tion is de­term­ined, the ar­bit­ral tribunal it­self de­term­ine its loc­a­tion.

2 If neither the parties nor the des­ig­nated body nor the ar­bit­ral tribunal de­term­ine the loc­a­tion, the or­din­ary court that would have jur­is­dic­tion to de­cide the mat­ter in the ab­sence of an ar­bit­ra­tion agree­ment shall de­cide.

3 If sev­er­al or­din­ary courts have jur­is­dic­tion, the loc­a­tion of the ar­bit­ral tribunal shall be the loc­a­tion of the or­din­ary court first seised by vir­tue of Art­icle 356.

4 Un­less the parties have agreed oth­er­wise, the ar­bit­ral tribunal may hold hear­ings, take evid­ence and de­lib­er­ate at any oth­er loc­a­tion.

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