Art. 371 Replacement of an arbitrator
1 If an arbitrator must be replaced, the same procedure as for appointment applies, unless the parties agree or have agreed otherwise. 2 If replacement cannot be effected in this way, the new arbitrator shall be nominated by the ordinary court that has jurisdiction under Article 356 paragraph 2 unless the arbitration agreement excludes this possibility or becomes ineffective on the retirement of an arbitrator. 3 In the absence of an agreement between the parties, the newly constituted arbitral tribunal shall decide on the extent to which procedural acts in which the replaced arbitrator has participated must repeated. 4 The deadline within which the arbitral tribunal must issue its award is not suspended during the replacement procedure. BGE
147 III 379 (4A_332/2020) from 1. April 2021
Regeste: Art. 190 Abs. 2 lit. a, d und e IPRG; Ausscheiden eines Schiedsrichters, Frage der Wiederholung von Prozesshandlungen. Die Rüge, das neu besetzte Schiedsgericht hätte aufgrund der Befangenheit des ausgeschiedenen Schiedsrichters bestimmte Prozesshandlungen wiederholen müssen, wird nicht von Art. 190 Abs. 2 lit. a IPRG erfasst (E. 2). Die Frage der Wiederholung von Verfahrensschritten ist vielmehr unter dem Blickwinkel des Gehörsanspruchs (E. 3) und des verfahrensrechtlichen Ordre public (E. 4) zu prüfen. |