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Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

Art. 393 Grounds for objection

An ar­bit­ral award may be con­tested on the fol­low­ing grounds:

the single ar­bit­rat­or was ap­poin­ted or the ar­bit­ral tribunal com­posed in an ir­reg­u­lar man­ner;
the ar­bit­ral tribunal wrongly de­clared it­self to have or not to have jur­is­dic­tion;
the ar­bit­ral tribunal de­cided is­sues that were not sub­mit­ted to it or failed to de­cide on a pray­er for re­lief;
the prin­ciples of equal treat­ment of the parties or the right to be heard were vi­ol­ated;
the award is ar­bit­rary in its res­ult be­cause it is based on find­ings that are ob­vi­ously con­trary to the facts as stated in the case files or be­cause it con­sti­tutes an ob­vi­ous vi­ol­a­tion of law or equity;
the costs and com­pens­a­tion fixed by the ar­bit­ral tribunal are ob­vi­ously ex­cess­ive.