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Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

Art. 67 Capacity to take legal action

1 Any per­son who has the ca­pa­city to act has the ca­pa­city to take leg­al ac­tion.

2 A per­son without ca­pa­city to act may act through his leg­al rep­res­ent­at­ive.

3 Provided a per­son without the ca­pa­city to act has the ca­pa­city to con­sent, he or she may:

in­de­pend­ently ex­er­cise those rights con­ferred by vir­tue of his or her per­son­al­ity;
tem­por­ar­ily take the acts ne­ces­sary in cases of im­min­ent danger.