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Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

Art. 76 Rights of the Intervenor

1 The in­ter­ven­or may carry out any pro­ced­ur­al acts in sup­port of the prin­cip­al party, provided they are per­mit­ted at the rel­ev­ant stage of the pro­ceed­ings; he or she may in par­tic­u­lar make use of any of­fens­ive or de­fens­ive meas­ures and also seek ap­pel­late rem­ed­ies.

2 The pro­ced­ur­al acts of the in­ter­ven­or shall not be taken in­to con­sid­er­a­tion in the pro­ceed­ings if they are con­tra­dict­ory to those of the prin­cip­al party.