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Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

Art. 279 Approval of the agreement

1 The court shall ap­prove the agree­ment on the ef­fects of the di­vorce if it is per­suaded that the spouses have con­cluded the agree­ment of their own vo­li­tion and after care­ful re­flec­tion, and that the agree­ment is clear, com­plete and not mani­festly in­equit­able; the pro­vi­sions on oc­cu­pa­tion­al pen­sions are re­served.

2 The agree­ment is val­id only when it has been ap­proved by the court. It must be in­cluded in the con­clu­sions to the de­cision.