Swiss Civil Procedure Code
(Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

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Art. 334

1 If the con­clu­sions are un­clear, con­tra­dict­ory or in­com­plete, or if they do not cor­res­pond with the state­ment of grounds, the court shall ex of­fi­cio or at the re­quest of a party provide an ex­plan­a­tion or rec­ti­fic­a­tion of the de­cision. The re­quest must in­dic­ate the rel­ev­ant parts and the re­ques­ted changes.

2 Art­icles 330 and 331 ap­ply by ana­logy. The court does not re­quire the parties to com­ment when cor­rect­ing ty­po­graph­ic­al or arith­met­ic­al er­rors.

3 An ob­jec­tion may be filed against the de­cision on the re­quest for ex­plan­a­tion or rec­ti­fic­a­tion.

4 No­tice of the ex­plained or rec­ti­fied de­cision shall be giv­en to the parties.

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