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Federal Act
on Second Homes
(Second Homes Act, SHA)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 20 March 2015 (Status as of 1 January 2016)

Art. 27 Preliminary inquiries before 18 December 2007

Ir­re­spect­ive of the re­quire­ments of Art­icle 7 para­graph 2 and Art­icles 8, 9 or 26, a build­ing per­mit ap­plic­a­tion for a new home may be au­thor­ised without re­stric­tion on use un­der Art­icle 7 para­graph 1 if:

the com­pet­ent build­ing au­thor­ity, in re­sponse to a suf­fi­ciently de­tailed pre­lim­in­ary re­quest, provided a writ­ten an­swer be­fore 18 Decem­ber 2007 which:
con­tained the es­sen­tial ele­ments of the build­ing per­mit as defined in Art­icle 26 para­graph 1 let­ter b,
con­firmed that the pro­ject was eli­gible for au­thor­isa­tion;
it was not pos­sible to grant the build­ing per­mit be­fore 11 March 2012 be­cause the own­er was pre­ven­ted from sub­mit­ting a build­ing per­mit ap­plic­a­tion on time through no fault of his or her own; and
the oth­er re­quire­ments for grant­ing the build­ing per­mit are ful­filled.