Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on the Insolvency of Banks and Securities Dealers

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 39 Assets discovered after the fact

1If as­sets or oth­er leg­al claims that have not pre­vi­ously been in­cluded in the bank­ruptcy as­sets are dis­covered with­in 10 years of the bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings be­ing com­pleted, FINMA shall ap­point a bank­ruptcy li­quid­at­or to re­start the bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings without fur­ther form­al­it­ies.

2As­sets dis­covered after the fact or leg­al claims shall be dis­trib­uted to cred­it­ors who suffered a loss and for whom the bank­ruptcy li­quid­at­or has the de­tails needed to make the pay­out. The bank­ruptcy li­quid­at­or may ask cred­it­ors to provide up-to-date de­tails, stat­ing that these are re­quired in con­nec­tion with their claim. He or she shall set a reas­on­able dead­line for this pur­pose.

3Where it is clear that the costs in­curred through re­start­ing the bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings will not be covered or will only be mar­gin­ally ex­ceeded by the ex­pec­ted pro­ceeds from real­ising the as­sets dis­covered after the fact, FINMA may re­frain from re­start­ing the pro­ceed­ings. In such cases, it shall pass the as­sets dis­covered after the fact to the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment.

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