Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on the Insolvency of Banks and Securities Dealers

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 54 Binding nature of instructions to a central counterparty, a central custodian or a payment system

1The fol­low­ing meas­ures may re­strict the leg­ally bind­ing nature of an in­struc­tion with­in the mean­ing of Art­icle 89 para­graph 2 of the Fin­an­cial Mar­ket In­fra­struc­ture Act of 19 June 20151 (Fin­MIA):

the open­ing of bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings un­der Art­icles 33–37g BankA; and
pro­tect­ive meas­ures un­der Art­icle 26 para­graph 1 let­ters f–h BankA.

2In its rul­ing, FINMA shall ex­pressly or­der the time from when the meas­ures un­der para­graph 1 ap­ply.

1 SR 958.1

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