Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 123a

1If a sex of­fend­er or vi­ol­ent of­fend­er is re­garded in the re­ports re­quired for sen­ten­cing as be­ing ex­tremely dan­ger­ous and his or her con­di­tion as­sessed as un­treat­able, he or she must be in­car­cer­ated un­til the end of his or her life due to the high risk of re­offend­ing. Early re­lease and re­lease on tem­por­ary li­cence are not per­mit­ted.

2Only if new sci­entif­ic find­ings prove that the of­fend­er can be cured and thus no longer rep­res­ents a danger to the pub­lic can new re­ports be drawn up. If the of­fend­er is re­leased on the basis of these new re­ports, the au­thor­it­ies grant­ing his or her re­lease must ac­cept li­ab­il­ity if he re­offends.

3All re­ports as­sess­ing sex of­fend­ers or vi­ol­ent of­fend­ers must be drawn up by at least two ex­per­i­enced spe­cial­ists who are in­de­pend­ent of each oth­er. The re­ports must take ac­count of all the prin­ciples that are im­port­ant for the as­sess­ment.

1 Ad­op­ted by the pop­u­lar vote on 8 Feb. 2004, in force since 8 Feb. 2004 (FedD of 20 June 2003, FCD of 21 April 2004; AS 2004 2341; BBl 2000 3336, 2001 3433, 2003 4434, 2004 2199).

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