Ordinance on Financial Market Infrastructures and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 28 Post-trade transparency

(Art. 36 FMIA)

1The mul­ti­lat­er­al trad­ing fa­cil­ity shall guar­an­tee that all se­cur­it­ies ad­mit­ted to trad­ing can be traded in a fair, ef­fi­cient and or­derly man­ner.

2In the case of de­riv­at­ives, it shall en­sure in par­tic­u­lar that the way in which de­riv­at­ives trad­ing is struc­tured fa­cil­it­ates or­derly pri­cing.

3The mul­ti­lat­er­al trad­ing fa­cil­ity shall take the ne­ces­sary meas­ures to re­view the se­cur­it­ies ad­mit­ted to trad­ing for their ful­fil­ment of the ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments.

are ro­bust and equipped with suf­fi­cient ca­pa­city to deal with peak volumes of or­ders and an­nounce­ments;
are sub­ject to ap­pro­pri­ate trad­ing thresholds and up­per lim­its;
do not cause or con­trib­ute to any dis­rup­tions in the trad­ing ven­ue;
are ef­fect­ive for pre­vent­ing vi­ol­a­tions of Art­icles 142 and 143 FMIA;
are sub­ject to ap­pro­pri­ate tests of al­gorithms and con­trol mech­an­isms, in­clud­ing pre­cau­tions to:
lim­it the pro­por­tion of un­ex­ecuted trad­ing or­ders re­l­at­ive to the num­ber of trans­ac­tions that can be entered in­to the sys­tem by a par­ti­cipant,
slow down the flow of or­ders if there is a risk of the ca­pa­city of the sys­tem be­ing reached, and
lim­it and en­force the min­im­um tick size that may be ex­ecuted on the trad­ing ven­ue.

3In or­der to take ac­count of the ad­di­tion­al bur­den on sys­tem ca­pa­city, the trad­ing ven­ue may make pro­vi­sion for high­er fees for:

the place­ment of or­ders that are later can­celled;
par­ti­cipants pla­cing a high pro­por­tion of can­celled or­ders;
par­ti­cipants with:
an in­fra­struc­ture in­ten­ded to min­im­ise delays in or­der trans­fer,
a sys­tem that can de­cide on or­der ini­ti­ation, gen­er­a­tion, rout­ing or ex­e­cu­tion, and
a high in­tra­day num­ber of price of­fers, or­ders or can­cel­la­tions.

1 Amended by An­nex 1 No II 14 of the Fin­an­cial In­sti­tu­tions Or­din­ance of 6 Nov. 2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (AS 2019 4633).

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