on Financial Institutions
(Financial Institutions Ordinance, FinIO)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 6 November 2019 (Status as of 1 January 2020)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 25 Qualified managers

(Art. 20 Fin­IA)

1A qual­i­fied man­ager is deemed to sat­is­fy the re­quire­ments for train­ing and pro­fes­sion­al ex­per­i­ence at the time of as­sum­ing man­age­ment du­ties if she or he can fur­nish evid­ence of the fol­low­ing:

five years of pro­fes­sion­al ex­per­i­ence:
in the case of port­fo­lio man­agers, in port­fo­lio man­age­ment for third parties,
in the case of trust­ees, with­in the frame­work of trusts; and
train­ing of at least 40 hours:
in the case of port­fo­lio man­agers, in port­fo­lio man­age­ment for third parties,
in the case of trust­ees, with­in the frame­work of trusts.

2Where there are le­git­im­ate grounds for so do­ing, FINMA may grant ex­emp­tions from these re­quire­ments.

3Port­fo­lio man­agers and trust­ees shall en­gage in reg­u­lar con­tinu­ing pro­fes­sion­al de­vel­op­ment to main­tain the skills ac­quired.

4They shall take the ne­ces­sary pre­cau­tions to en­sure the con­tinu­ation of busi­ness op­er­a­tions in the event that the qual­i­fied man­ager is pre­ven­ted from act­ing or dies. If third parties from out­side the com­pany are ap­poin­ted, the cli­ents must be in­formed ac­cord­ingly. In all oth­er re­spects, Art­icle 14 Fin­IA shall ap­ply.

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