Federal Act
on the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority
(Financial Market Supervision Act, FINMASA)

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Art. 43a Supervisory organisation

1 The on­go­ing su­per­vi­sion of port­fo­lio man­agers and trust­ees un­der Art­icle 17 of the Fin­an­cial In­sti­tu­tions Act of 15 June 201893 is per­formed by one or more su­per­vis­ory or­gan­isa­tions with their re­gistered of­fice in Switzer­land.94

2 The su­per­vis­ory or­gan­isa­tion shall re­quire au­thor­isa­tion from FINMA be­fore com­men­cing its su­per­vis­ory activ­ity and shall be su­per­vised by FINMA.

3 The supervisory organisation may also supervise financial intermediaries under Article 2 paragraph 3 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 10 October 199795(AMLA) with regard to compliance with their duties under AMLA, provided they are recognised as a self-regulatory organisation in accordance with Article 24 AMLA.

4 If the supervisory organisation is also active in accordance with paragraph 3 as a self-regulatory organisation, it shall ensure that this is evident to others at all times.

93 SR 954.1

94 Amended by An­nex 1 No 4 of the FA of 19 March 2021, in force since 1 Jan. 2022 (AS 2021 656; BBl 2019 5451).

95 SR 955.0

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