Standing Orders of the Council of States

of 20 June 2003 (Status as of 28 November 2022)

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Art. 29 Agenda

1 No­tice is giv­en of the agenda as fol­lows:

for the first sit­ting of a ses­sion: when the ses­sion pro­gramme is sent out;
for oth­er sit­tings: at the end of the pre­ced­ing sit­ting.

2 The agenda lists all items of busi­ness.

3 The Pres­id­ent may ex­cep­tion­ally add items to the agenda dur­ing the sit­ting, in par­tic­u­lar in or­der to deal with dif­fer­ences and de­ferred mat­ters for con­sid­er­a­tion.

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