Federal Act on Human Genetic Testing

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 15 Genetic counselling for prenatal genetic tests

1The preg­nant wo­man must be in­formed ex­pressly about her right to self-de­term­in­a­tion both be­fore and after a pren­at­al ge­net­ic test.

2The wo­man must be made aware if there is a high prob­ab­il­ity that the pro­posed test will not lead to any thera­peut­ic or pro­phy­lact­ic op­tions; she must also be in­formed of the op­por­tun­ity to con­tact an in­form­a­tion and coun­selling centre for pren­at­al test­ing.

3If a severe, in­cur­able dis­order is de­tec­ted, the wo­man must also be in­formed about al­tern­at­ives to ter­min­a­tion of the preg­nancy and made aware of the ex­ist­ence of as­so­ci­ations of par­ents of dis­abled chil­dren and self-help groups.

4The wo­man's hus­band or part­ner should be in­volved in the ge­net­ic coun­selling if pos­sible.

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