Federal Act
on Research involving Human Beings
(Human Research Act, HRA)

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Art. 39 Requirements for research in embryos and foetuses from induced abortions

1 A preg­nant wo­man may only be asked wheth­er she wishes to make her em­bryo or foetus avail­able for re­search pur­poses after she has de­cided to un­der­go an abor­tion. For con­sent, Art­icles 16 and 22–24 ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis.

2 The time and meth­od of in­duced abor­tion must be chosen without re­gard to the re­search pro­ject.

3 Em­bry­os and foetuses from in­duced abor­tions may be used for a re­search pro­ject when death has been de­term­ined.

4 Any­one who car­ries out a re­search pro­ject in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 3 must not be in­volved in the abor­tion or be au­thor­ised to is­sue in­struc­tions to the per­sons in­volved in this pro­ced­ure.

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