Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority on Collective Investment Schemes

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 51 Requirements for collateral

Only col­lat­er­al that meets the fol­low­ing re­quire­ments may be ac­cep­ted:

It is highly li­quid and is traded at a trans­par­ent price on an ex­change or oth­er reg­u­lated mar­ket open to the pub­lic. It can be dis­posed of at short no­tice at a price close to the valu­ation un­der­taken pri­or to sale.
It is val­ued at least on each trad­ing day. Where price volat­il­ity is high, suit­able con­ser­vat­ive se­cur­ity mar­gins must be ap­plied.
It is not is­sued by the coun­ter­party or by a com­pany that be­longs to or is de­pend­ent on the coun­ter­party’s group.
The cred­it qual­ity of the is­suer is high.

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