Federal Act on Value Added Tax

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 83 Objection

1Rul­ings of the FTA may be con­tested by fil­ing an ob­jec­tion with­in 30 days of no­ti­fic­a­tion.

2The ob­jec­tion must be filed with the FTA in writ­ing. It must con­tain the pe­ti­tion, the grounds for the ob­jec­tion cit­ing the evid­ence and the sig­na­ture of the ap­pel­lant or of his rep­res­ent­at­ive. The rep­res­ent­at­ive must identi­fy him­self by writ­ten power of at­tor­ney. The evid­ence must be de­scribed in the let­ter of ob­jec­tion and en­closed with it.

3If the ob­jec­tion does not sat­is­fy these re­quire­ments or if the pe­ti­tion or its grounds lack the ne­ces­sary clar­ity, the FTA shall grant the ob­ject­ing party a short peri­od to re­vise the same. It shall com­bine this ad­di­tion­al peri­od with the warn­ing that if the peri­od ex­pires un­used, a de­cision will be made based on the files or, if the pe­ti­tion, grounds, sig­na­ture or power of at­tor­ney is not provided, that the ob­jec­tion will not be con­sidered.

4If the ob­jec­tion is raised against a prop­erly jus­ti­fied rul­ing of the FTA, on ap­plic­a­tion or with the con­sent of the ob­ject­ing party it must be for­war­ded as an ap­peal to the Fed­er­al Ad­min­is­trat­ive Court.

5The ob­jec­tion pro­ced­ure must be con­tin­ued des­pite with­draw­al of the ob­jec­tion if there are in­dic­a­tions that the con­tested rul­ing does not com­ply with the ap­plic­able pro­vi­sions of the law.


140 II 202 (2C_805/2013) from 21. März 2014
Regeste: Art. 43, 78, 79, 82, 83 und 85 MWSTG 2009; Einschätzungsmitteilung; Möglichkeit der Vornahme in der Form einer Verfügung; Selbstveranlagungsprinzip. Die Einschätzungsmitteilung, die entweder nach einer steueramtlichen Kontrolle oder einer Ermessenseinschätzung erfolgt, stellt als solche keine Verfügung dar, sondern geht grundsätzlich der Entscheidungsphase vor, um zwischen der steuerpflichtigen Person und der Steuerverwaltung - entsprechend dem Selbstveranlagungsprinzip - einen informellen Dialog zu erleichtern (E. 5). In casu sind die restriktiven Bedingungen, nach denen die Steuerbehörde die Einschätzungsmitteilung in Form einer Verwaltungsverfügung erlassen darf, nicht erfüllt (E. 6).

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