Federal Act
Art. 246
II. Fulfilment of provisos 1 The donor may bring action for fulfilment of a proviso that has been accepted by the recipient. 2 Where fulfilment of the proviso is in the public interest, the competent authority may compel fulfilment after the death of the donor. 3 The recipient may refuse to fulfil the proviso if the value of the gift does not cover the expenses occasioned by the proviso and he is not reimbursed for the shortfall. BGE
133 III 421 (4A_28/2007) from 30. Mai 2007
Regeste: a Art. 76 Abs. 1 BGG; Berechtigung zur Beschwerde in Zivilsachen. Zur Beschwerde ist berechtigt, wer vor der Vorinstanz Anträge gestellt hat, die vollständig oder teilweise abgewiesen worden sind (E. 1.1). |