Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

of 30 March 1911 (Status as of 9 February 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 322c

b. State­ment


1 Where the terms of the con­tract do not re­quire the em­ploy­ee to draw up a state­ment of com­mis­sion due to him, on each date on which com­mis­sion falls due, the em­ploy­er must provide him with a writ­ten state­ment in­clud­ing a break­down of the trans­ac­tions on which it is pay­able.

2 The em­ploy­er must fur­nish all the ne­ces­sary in­form­a­tion to the em­ploy­ee or, in his stead, to an ex­pert des­ig­nated by both em­ploy­er and em­ploy­ee or ap­poin­ted by the court, and must grant the em­ploy­ee or the ex­pert such ac­cess to the books of ac­count or sup­port­ing doc­u­ments as is re­quired for veri­fic­a­tion of the com­mis­sion state­ment.


137 V 463 (9C_540/2010) from 28. November 2011
Regeste: a Art. 333 Abs. 1 OR; Übergang des Arbeitsverhältnisses mit allen Rechten und Pflichten im Rahmen einer Betriebsübertragung; unterobligatorische Vorsorge. Wenn der Arbeitsvertrag ausdrücklich eine der unterobligatorischen beruflichen Vorsorge zugehörige Versicherungsdeckung vorsieht, so muss der neue Arbeitgeber diese Vorsorge aufrechterhalten und zu den gleichen Bedingungen weiterführen (E. 4.3).


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