Government and Administration Organisation Act

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 21 March 1997 (Status as of 2 December 2019)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 62a Hearing

1 If, in pro­jects such as those in­volving build­ings and in­stall­a­tions, an act provides for the con­cen­tra­tion of de­cision-mak­ing in a single au­thor­ity (the prin­cip­al au­thor­ity), this au­thor­ity hears the state­ments of the spe­cial­ist au­thor­it­ies con­cerned be­fore mak­ing a de­cision.

2 If sev­er­al spe­cial­ist au­thor­it­ies are con­cerned, the prin­cip­al au­thor­ity listens to their state­ments at the same time; it may however hear them one after the oth­er if there are par­tic­u­lar reas­ons for do­ing so.

3 The prin­cip­al au­thor­ity sets the spe­cial­ist au­thor­it­ies a dead­line for provid­ing a state­ment; the dead­line is nor­mally two months.

4 The prin­cip­al au­thor­ity and the spe­cial­ist au­thor­it­ies shall agree am­ic­ably on the cases in which ex­cep­tion­ally no state­ment needs to be provided.

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