Federal Act
on the Swiss Innovation
(Innosuisse Act, SIAA)

of 17 June 2016 (Status as of 1 January 2023)

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Art. 6 Board of Directors: position, election, structure and vested interests

1 The Board of Dir­ect­ors is the highest de­cision-mak­ing body. It con­sists of 5-7 mem­bers from sci­ence and in­dustry who are spe­cial­ised in sup­port­ing in­nov­a­tion.

2 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil peri­od­ic­ally elects the Chair­man and mem­bers of the Board of Dir­ect­ors for a 4–year term of of­fice. It may re-elect them. No mem­ber of the Board of Dir­ect­ors may re­main in of­fice for more than 8 years. The Chair­man may not re­main in of­fice for more than 12 years, in­clud­ing the amount of time spent as a mem­ber of the Board of Dir­ect­ors. The Fed­er­al Coun­cil may dis­miss mem­bers of the Board of Dir­ect­ors if there are im­port­ant grounds to do so.8

3 Nom­in­ees for elec­tion to the Board of Dir­ect­ors must dis­close their ves­ted in­terests to the Fed­er­al Coun­cil.

4 The mem­bers of the Board of Dir­ect­ors must per­form their tasks and du­ties with due care and must safe­guard the in­terests of In­no­suisse in good faith. They must dis­close their ves­ted in­terests.

5 The Board of Dir­ect­ors shall take or­gan­isa­tion­al pre­cau­tions to pro­tect In­no­suisse in­terests and avoid con­flicts of in­terest.

6 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall de­cide the fees and oth­er con­trac­tu­al terms for mem­bers of the Board of Dir­ect­ors. The con­tract between the mem­bers of the Board of Dir­ect­ors and In­no­suisse is gov­erned by pub­lic law.

7 The mem­bers of the Board of Dir­ect­ors shall keep the Board of Dir­ect­ors abreast of any changes to their ves­ted in­terests. The lat­ter shall provide the Fed­er­al Coun­cil with an up­date on the ves­ted in­terests situ­ation in the an­nu­al re­port. If a giv­en ves­ted in­terest is in­com­pat­ible with Board of Dir­ect­ors mem­ber­ship and if the mem­ber fails to di­vest him­self or her­self of the con­flict­ing ves­ted in­terest, then the Board of Dir­ect­ors shall ask the Fed­er­al Coun­cil to dis­miss this mem­ber.

8 The mem­bers of the Board of Dir­ect­ors are ob­liged to main­tain con­fid­en­ti­al­ity re­gard­ing of­fi­cial mat­ters both dur­ing and after their term of of­fice on the Board of Dir­ect­ors.

8 Second and fourth sen­tences amended by the An­nex to the FA of 17 Dec. 2021 (Changes in the Fund­ing of In­nov­a­tion), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2022 221; BBl 2021 480).

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