Federal Act
on the Promotion of Sport and Exercise
(Sport Promotion Act, SpoPA)

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Art. 12 Promotion of sports and exercise options

1 The can­tons shall pro­mote daily sports and ex­er­cise op­tions with­in the con­text of school­ing. They provide the ne­ces­sary fa­cil­it­ies and equip­ment.

2 Sports les­sons are man­dat­ory in com­puls­ory schools and up­per sec­ond­ary schools.

3 In agree­ment with the can­tons, the Con­fed­er­a­tion shall lay down the min­im­um num­ber of les­sons and qual­ity stand­ards for sports les­sons in com­puls­ory schools and up­per sec­ond­ary schools ex­clud­ing vo­ca­tion­al schools. In do­ing so, the Con­fed­er­a­tion shall take the school level re­quire­ments in­to ac­count.

4 Three sports les­sons a week are man­dat­ory in com­puls­ory schools.

5 The Con­fed­er­a­tion shall spe­cify the min­im­um num­ber of les­sons and qual­ity stand­ards re­quired for sports les­sons at vo­ca­tion­al schools.

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