Swiss Criminal Procedure Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 55 Jurisdiction

1Where a can­ton is in­volved in a case of in­ter­na­tion­al mu­tu­al as­sist­ance, the pub­lic pro­sec­utor has jur­is­dic­tion.

2Dur­ing the main hear­ing, the courts may them­selves sub­mit re­quests for mu­tu­al as­sist­ance.

3The powers of the au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for the ex­e­cu­tion of sen­tences and meas­ures are re­served.

4Where fed­er­al law as­signs mu­tu­al as­sist­ance du­ties to a ju­di­cial au­thor­ity, the ob­jec­tions au­thor­ity has jur­is­dic­tion.

5Where a can­ton deal­ing with a re­quest for mu­tu­al as­sist­ance from abroad car­ries out pro­ced­ur­al acts in oth­er can­tons, the pro­vi­sions on do­mest­ic mu­tu­al as­sist­ance ap­ply.

6The can­tons shall reg­u­late any ad­di­tion­al pro­ced­ures.

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