Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
Art. 174 Decision on permitting a person to refuse to testify
1 The decision on whether to allow a person to refuse to testify is made by:
2 The witness may request a review by the objections authority immediately after receiving notification of the decision. 3 Until the objections authority makes its decision, the witness is entitled to refuse to testify. BGE
131 I 455 () from 6. Oktober 2005
Regeste: Art. 3 und 13 EMRK, Art. 10 Abs. 3 BV, Art. 88 OG; erniedrigende Behandlung, Untersuchung. Wer in vertretbarer Weise behauptet, von einem Polizeibeamten erniedrigend behandelt worden zu sein, hat Anspruch auf eine wirksame und vertiefte amtliche Untersuchung (E. 1.2.5). Anspruch im vorliegenden Fall verletzt (E. 2). |