Swiss Criminal Procedure Code
(Criminal Procedure Code, CrimPC)

of 5 October 2007 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

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Art. 43 Scope of application and definition

1 The pro­vi­sions this Chapter reg­u­late mu­tu­al as­sist­ance in crim­in­al mat­ters provided by fed­er­al and can­ton­al au­thor­it­ies to pub­lic pro­sec­utors, au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for pro­sec­ut­ing con­tra­ven­tions and fed­er­al and can­ton­al courts.

2 In re­la­tion to the po­lice, these pro­vi­sions ap­ply to the ex­tent that the po­lice are act­ing on in­struc­tions from pub­lic pro­sec­utors, au­thor­it­ies re­spons­ible for pro­sec­ut­ing con­tra­ven­tions and courts.

3 Dir­ect mu­tu­al as­sist­ance between po­lice au­thor­it­ies at fed­er­al and can­ton­al levels and between two or more can­ton­al po­lice au­thor­it­ies is per­mit­ted provided it does not re­late to com­puls­ory meas­ures that fall with­in the ex­clus­ive com­pet­ence of the pub­lic pro­sec­utor or the court.

4 Mu­tu­al as­sist­ance is deemed to be any meas­ure re­ques­ted by an au­thor­ity with­in the scope of their com­pet­ence in on­go­ing crim­in­al pro­ceed­ings.

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